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Sanking UPVC True Union Ball Check Valve

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Sanking UPVC true union ball check Valve 2 dn50

Sanking UPVC true union ball check Valve 1 1 2 dn40

Sanking UPVC true union ball check Valve 1 dn25

Sanking UPVC true union ball check Valve 3 4 dn20

Sanking UPVC true union ball check Valve 1 2 dn15

Sanking UPVC True Union Ball Check Valve

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1) New swing design and better stop water effect
2) Materials meet drinking water standard
3) The material has been modified by nanometerimproving the pressure resistance and impact resistance
4) Raw materials add anti ultraviolet absorbent and antioxidant improving the durability ageing resistance
5) Can be assembled vertically or horizontally

1) Material: UPVC
2) Size: 1/2″-2″; DN15-DN50
3) Standard: JIS
4) Joint End: Socket
5) Working Pressure:10 Bar
6) Operating Temperature: UPVC(5~55?)
7) Valve body color:UPVC(dark gray)
8) Minimum waterstop pressure = 0.03kg

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