SKU: ARV-851-41 Category: Tags: , , Brand:

AVK Air Valve ARV-851-41

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AVK Air Valve ARV-851-41

AVK Air Valve ARV-851-41

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“Product description:
Air relief valve for drinking water (not wastewater) and neutral liquids max. 70? C

?Designed according to EN 1074 – 4
?Standard flange drilling to EN1092-2 (ISO 7005-2)
?Body and cover: GGG-50
?Internal: ABS plastic
?Bolts: Stainless steel A2
?Epoxy coating internally and externally (min 300 micron)

?Hydraulic test according to EN 1074-1 and 2 / EN 12266
?Hydraulic test: 1.5 x PN
?Approved according to WRAS

DN40 – DN200

?A clever float design prevents air rushing out of the system from prematurely closing the valve
?Large air flow capacity
?All iron parts with contact to the water are coated with drinking water approved, fusion bonded epoxy
?The resilient seals are made of EPDM rubber and the seat is ABS, all drinking water approved
?All other internal parts are highly corrosion resistant AISI 316 stainless steel or ABS
?No moving parts are touching the internal coating
?The complete product is approved for drinking water”

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